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Full Thread Screws Galvanised0


Full Thread Screws Galvanised

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The premium brand for all your screws, bolts, and other hardware
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The premium brand for all your screws, bolts, and other hardware
More affordable than hardware stores
Fast delivery throughout Europe

Full Thread Screws Galvanised

Wovar supplies galvanised full-thread screws with torx drive in various sizes and in black. Full-thread torx screws are fully threaded so that they have a powerful anchoring in the wood. There are no milling ribs under the countersunk head, so that the screw connects perfectly to metal. As a result, they are also called hardware screws or universal screws. These torx screws are also often combined with our nylon plugs to attach materials to a stone wall. Are you looking for high-quality full-thread screws? Discover our fast delivery of various sizes.

Part-threaded screws are often used for wood-on-wood constructions, such as our 4x50 stainless steel and galvanised screws. Our wood construction screws with large head are also partial thread screws.

Galvanised full-thread screws are extremely popular for attaching hinges or mending plates, for example. There are no milling ribs located under the countersunk head. As a result, the screw connects nicely to metal and they are also called hardware screws. The galvanised full-thread screw is available in thicknesses from 3.0 mm to 6.0 mm.

Each galvanised full thread screw has a Torx drive. Torx drive ensures that your machine does not slip while screwing in the screw and is therefore extremely popular with professionals. With every box of galvanised full-thread screws, Wovar supplies a matching torx bit free of charge.

Do I have to pre-drill full-thread screws?

With soft woods it is not necessary to pre-drill full-thread screws. This is recommended for hardwood. Do you want to use full-thread screws with a wood-on-wood construction? Make sure the wood is clamped together tightly when screwing in the screw. With full-thread screws, space can be created with wood on wood. If you pre-drill, the chance of this will be a lot smaller. We recommend always using partial thread screws for wood on wood constructions.

When predrilling, always use a thinner hardwood drill bit than the screw. For example, we recommend a 3.5 mm thick hardwood drill for our 5.0 mm thick screws, and a 3.0 mm thick hardwood drill for 4.0 mm screws.

The galvanised steel makes these full thread screws from Wovar very strong! Galvanised screws can oxidise after damage. This greatly affects the lifespan. The greatest risk of damage occurs during screwing in. Therefore always use the free supplied Wovar torx bits.

Full-threaded screws black galvanised

The black full-thread screws have a Deltacoll coating. This coating protects the screws well against rust, corrosion and oxidation. After the delta-coll coating, a black top layer was applied. This top coat provides a beautiful black shine. The black full-thread screws have a torx 20 drive and a cutting tip. You should only pre-drill the black screw in hardwood. This is not necessary for soft wood.

High volume discount with Wovar full thread screws

Order full thread screws from Wovar, and don't forget to take advantage of the huge volume discounts. You will already receive a high volume discount with an order of 10 boxes of full-thread screws. DIY and construction companies always take advantage of additional benefits such as discounts when they sign up for a business account.