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There are several methods you can use to remove a stripped screw. You can read about a few of those in our post on removing broken or stripped screws. One extremely effective option is using a screw extractor or removal set. But how do you use a screw extractor set?
With a stripped screw extraction set, you can remove stripped screws in four easy steps. The extraction set contains five bits that are specifically made to remove stripped screws. With the set, you can extract screws with a size of 6 to 14 mm.
Using a screw extractor set
Step 1: Place the extractor bit in your drill.
Step 2: Make sure the drill rotates counterclockwise.
Step 3: Position the point of the bit in the middle of the screw head.
Step 4: Push downwards and run your drill at a low speed. The extractor bit will cut into the screw and slowly remove it.